Artists by Category
SCAC has curated this free online database as a resource for the community to connect to the incredible diversity of artists and musicians in our area. Use of this database to connect to local artists/musicians does not imply any responsibility by the SCAC on availability, claims or talent of listed artists. It is the responsibility of those who reach out to our artists to use their best judgment.
Visual Artists
Musical Artists
Theater & Dance Artists

Want to be included in our Artists Database?
The Shasta County Arts Council is always looking for ways to highlight and support local artists. We are excited to provide a brand new way to connect with individuals in our community. At this time, we are creating a database of Shasta County musicians and artists. If you would are an artist who would like to be listed, please fill out the forms below and email any photos you would like included to: racheal@shastaartscouncil.org.